The Cascade XRS Pro lacrosse helmet is the best helmet on the market to date. Our guys can't get over how COMFORTABLE this helmet is! They literally don't want to take it off their heads! Another thing that they really like about this helmet is the added ventilation on the top. It will definitely help on those hot days on the field.
The Cascade XRS uses new technology to offer an updated version of the older cascade models. The XRS gives a perfect combination of comfort, protection, and vision. It is used by the top elite professional, college, and high school programs. The XRS is a great helmet for summer ball because of the ventilation system and breathability technology which keeps players cool in the heat.
PROTECTION - Three different liner technologies unite to optimally address variable force impacts. Each piece of the Tri-Liner system integrates perfectly with each other to create a 360° Fit for the ultimate protection-first package.
COMFORT - Best-In-Class XFlo ventilation ports offer 2X breathability. Balanced and aligned, the XRS is designed with the center of gravity directly at the crown of the head.
VISION - With our new VIXION system, we have increased peripheral vision by 20+% creating a maximum field of view so you can see it all. The Visionbar’s PowerPress technology decreases wire diameter on the top bar to improve sight lines and increase face mask rigidity.
CUSTOMIZATION - With over 9.6 million different color combinations, you can find a truly unique look for you, and your entire crew.
We have some in stock for immediate shipping. Custom ordering is available.
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